Architectural Record
Howe and Lescaze. Architectural Record 68 30 October 1930, 440 Paul Rudolph. Architectural Record. Nov 1970, 95 Caudill Rowlett Scott. Architectural Record. Apr 1973, 144 Mariana and Associates. Architectural Record. May 1974, 41 Muchow Associates. Architectural Record. Aug 1972, 111 Elbasani Logan Severin. Architectural Record. Dec 1974, 39 Richard Neutra. Architectural Record 68 30 August 1930, 101 Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano. Architectural Record. Oct 1971, 45 Gruzen & Partners. Architectural Record. Apr 1973, 42 William Lescaze. Architectural Record 100 November 1946, 167 Henry Bacon. Architectural Record 47 20 March 1920, 379 Kisho Kurokawa. Architectural Record. Feb 1973, 113 Seow Lee Heah. Architectural Record. Nov 1971, 44 Ferendino Grafton Spillis Candela. Architectural Record. Apr 1974, 34 Thomas S Tait. Architectural Record 68 30 October 1930, 314 Paul Rudolph. Architectural Record. Aug 1971, 84 Skidmore Owings Merrill. Architectural Record. Oct 1972, 104 Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer. Architectural Record. Apr 1972, 109 Richard Meier. Architectural Record. Jul 1973, 90 Stanley Tigerman. Architectural Record. Jan 1973, 106 Jarvis Putty Jarvis. Architectural Record 173 Jan 1985, 151 Ulrich Franzen. Architectural Record. Jul 1971, 116 Hill and Turner. Architectural Record 10 1 January 1901, 189 Mies van der Rohe. Architectural Record 68 30 October 1930, 328 Takenaka. Architectural Record. Sep 1972, 43 Richard Neutra. Architectural Record 100 September 1946, 87 Carrere and Hastings. Architectural Record 27 10 January 1910, 103 Libbey Owens Ford Glass Co. Architectural Record 100 August 1946, 50 Paul Rudolph. Architectural Record. Sep 1970, 148 Anthony Ames. Architectural Record 174 Aug 1986, 125 Albert Bullock. Architectural Record 47 20 June 1920, 536 Peter L Gluck. Architectural Record 174 April 1986, 123 Skidmore Owings Merrill. Architectural Record 100 August 1946, 75 Architectural Record 10 1 January 1901, 52 Gunnar Birkerts. Architectural Record. Oct 1971, cover Hoberman and Wasserman. Architectural Record. Apr 1971, 127 Angelos C. Demetriou. Architectural Record. Apr 1974, 34 Richard Meier. Architectural Record. Jul 1973, 89 Walker and Weeks. Architectural Record 47 20 June 1920, 515 Architectural Record 10 1 January 1901, 49